Michael Staudigl

(*1971), PD Dr. habil., teaches philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria. Granted a variety of research fellowships,  he worked in Freiburg, Prague, Louvain-la-Neuve and New York. From 2000-2002 he was as a scientific assistant at the psycho-traumatological ambulance ESRA, Vienna; from 2003-2010 a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna; from 2003-2006 he held an APART-fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. From 2007 onwards he directed several research grants funded by the FWF (Austrian Science Funds), most recently the bilateral project "The Return of Religion as a Challenge for Thought" (with Branko Klun, Slovenia) and "Secularism and its Discontents: Toward a Phenomenology Religious Violence."


Selected Publications: Phänomenologie der Gewalt (Springer: 2015, English transl. forthcoming at Northwestern Univ. Press); Ed., Co-Ed., Konturen europäischer Gastlichkeit (Velbrück 2016); Gesichter der Gewalt (Fink 2014); Co-Ed., Figuren der Transzendenz (Königshausen & Neumann); Ed., Phenomenologies of Violence (Brill 2013); Ed., Gelebter Leib – Verkörpertes Leben (Königshausen & Neumann); Co-Ed., Bedingungslos? Zum Gewaltpotential unbedingter Ansprüche im  Kontext politischer Theorie (Velbrück 2014); Ed., Alfred Schutz and Religion (Special Issue of Human Studies, in preparation); Co-Ed., Secularism and its Discontents (Special Issue of The Journal for Cultural and Religious theory); Ed., Phenomenologies of Religious Violence (Special Issue of Continental Philosophy Review, forthcoming 3/2018)


Research Areas: continental philosophy, contemporary French philosophy, phenomenology (classical and recent), interdisciplinary violence studies, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of religion and religious violence, philosophy of the social sciences.